What is Robotic Process Automation?

In recent years, RPA has become one of the latest technology trends. From insurance to banking, industries are acquiring the advantages of introducing RPA into their operations as it provides a high ROI and the chance to quickly automate manual processes. Also known as virtual bots, RPA is designed to imitate human actions and accomplish monotonous tasks like data entry. The RPA software has the ability to adjust to the fluctuating circumstances, exceptions and new situations, which make it different from the traditional IT automation. The use of Robotic Process Automation software has allowed large as well as small scale organizations to perform back-office and middle-office tasks with high speed. The introduction of this technology has changed the outmoded way we used to think about the business process and has also resulted in an increase in productivity by accelerating the task that required the human workforce to complete the work earlier. Types of Robotic Process Auto...